Friday, February 12, 2010

Christianity Dodger Style - February 12, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
Moses inspected the work
and saw that they had done it
just as the LORD had commanded.
So Moses blessed them.
Exodus 39:43

Daily Thought

It doesn't take much to be a Dodger fan. Wear blue, hate the Giants, show up by the third inning and you can leave after the 7th inning stretch.

It doesn't take much to be a Christian. Wear a cross, hate Satan, show up by the third inning.

When Jesus left his disciples in this world to reflect God and draw people to him, he said, "teach them to obey everything I have commanded you." Someone who followed Jesus, who adhered to his way of life, who obeyed his teachings, was called a "little Christ." The word was "Christian."

My, how that word has changed. But God hasn't. We not only love God and keep his commandments, but we love God by keeping his commandments.

And we show God's love to the world when we keep his commandments.

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Almighty God, We love You with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind. This is Your first and foremost commandment. A commandment of love. We follow that commandment as we love our neighbor as ourselves.

Thank You, God, that Your commandments are not only good, but full of love. When we are fully in love with You, how easy it is to obey. God, may we always be filled with love for You, Your Word, Your ways.


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