Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We're #1 - February 10, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
"Do not worship any other god,
for the LORD, whose name is Jealous,
is a jealous God."
Exodus 34:14

Daily Thought

At the end of the Super Bowl, one team, and only one team, raises their hands and points their index fingers upward, crying out, "We're #1!!!" They beat out 31 other teams for the honor of making that statement.

What if they were right? I mean always right. Not just this year, but every year. Not just football, not just sports, but in everything. Always. All things. Every minute of every day, #1. Forever and ever and ever.

God. Always #1.

All-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, ever-present, fully good, full of glory.

Hard to beat? No. Impossible.

And God knows it, not because he's cocky, but because it's the truth and God is always true.

So, when God says, "I love you enough to want the best, the very best, for you," enough to die for you, then he wants himself for you.

Because he is the very best. Always. Forever and ever.

"Do not worship any other gods, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God."

God's jealousy for us is the best for us.

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Our heavenly Father, from eternity past to forevermore, You are God, who was, and is, and is to come. Timeless, You created time, then entered time, and walk with us. We long to be present with You in eternity, where Your holiness reigns forever.

Forgive us, God, when we pursue something less than you, and everything else is less than You. May You always be our first love, may we first and always seek Your Kingdom, your righteousness, and leave everything else in Your care.


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