Friday, January 1, 2010

Facial Recognition - January 1, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27

Daily Thought

iPhoto has this cool new feature called "Faces."

Facial recognition software. Tag several pictures of you, then it does its work, finding your features in other faces in other pictures. Your parents, your kids, your cousins.

Anyone searching for God?

People were created to publicize who God is. His character. His goodness. His love. His image.

Search for God and we should appear. We are made in God's image. Tarnished in sin, restored in Jesus.

Do a search for God and our faces should be popping up everywhere.

Happy New Year,

Daily Prayer

Wonderful Creator, we stand amazed at this world, the heavens and earth, land and sea. We marvel at the creatures wandering the world, the splendor of the seas, and the elegant flight of birds. God, may we pause often to enjoy your handiwork and sing your praise.

In your image we are made. May we reflect your glory. Heavenly Father, may you be shown off through our love of people, zeal for your Word, and passion to serve. May Rolling Hills be a light of your grace and mercy.



  1. I was re-reading Genesis lately and found it interesting that in the above verse it does indeed say "created in His own image", but after the sin of Adam & Eve and Seth is born it changes and now we are created in 'Adam's own image'. Any thoughts?

  2. Very cool observation. Romans 5:12 says that sin came into the world through Adam. When Adam sinned, all sinned, therefore all are condemned (v 18). Not only the nature of Adam was changed, but Genesis 5:3 indicates that changed/fallen nature is passed along to his progeny (in his likeness). Since we are the image/likeness of Adam, his sin is our sin, as well. We are still human, male and female, made in God's image; however, we are made in Gods image corrupted by rebellion. In other words, Adam's image. I like the way the writer of Genesis doesn't attempt to explain this, but he uses the language of image to point at our fallenness.
