Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dreams - January 26, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
"I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh,
"but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires."
Genesis 41:16

Daily Thought

When Joseph was 17, he had two dreams. Sheaves of wheat in one and sun, moon, and stars in the other, all bowing down to him. Since then, he has been disowned by his family, enslaved in Egypt, and forgotten in prison. They were promising dreams, but so far had brought nothing but trouble.

Joseph is 30 now. The Pharaoh of Egypt has two dreams. "Tell me the meaning of my dreams," Pharaoh asks Joseph.

If you were Joseph, what would you say? I had dreams, too!

Joseph had a choice. Does God serve my dreams? How often do we measure God by our own expectations?

Or do my dreams, my desires, my ambitions serve God?

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Our Father, you called us and saved us in order to make us like your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Change us, day by day, by the work of your Holy Spirit so that we may grow more like Him in all that we think and say and do.

Help us to remain faithful to You and Your calling upon our lives. Strengthen and grow our trust in You as we read Your Word. May the trials and experiences of life shape our faith.


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