Saturday, January 16, 2010

As Long As She's Happy - January 16, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.)
Genesis 13:10

Daily Thought

I was reading an article this morning about a girl who is behaving foolishly. Plastic surgery, ten hours, ten procedures in one day, all to make a pretty girl what? Prettier? This isn't the foolishness I speak of, though. It's her friend who defended her with, "As long as she is happy, that's all that matters." Really?

Sodom and Gomorrah, debauchery and carousing. Girls Gone Wild meets Boys Gone Wild. One prophet described it as rich folk who don't care about the poor, only the party. God took notice and took judgment, and Old Testament fire and brimstone destroyed the cities.

Lot saw the cities before the judgment. A rich, luxurious land, a well-tended garden. Apparently the inhabitants liked their land and took care of it. They were happy.

It was like the garden of the LORD. Adam and Eve, remember? Lot should have. Eve looked at the fruit on the tree and saw that it was pleasing to the eye and delicious. "You won't die," said the serpent.

You will be happy.

Lot saw the pleasing land, and the next five words tell the story, "So Lot chose for himself..."

Lot looked at the water in the valley. but not where it led. Down to the Dead Sea, where sparkling water flows in, and stays, and dies.

But, hey. As long as he's happy, that's all that matters.

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Wise God, Author of life. You promise a life overflowing. May we delight in Your way. Your law is good and good for us. May we think about it day and night.

Father, let us find contentment and peace in You. Protect us from that which is pleasing to the eye but death to the soul. We live in this world to show Your glory and share Your good news. We love Your blessings, and desire to pass those blessings along to all we meet.


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