Sunday, January 3, 2010

Who You Know - January 3, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
But God remembered Noah
and all the wild animals
and the livestock that were with him in the ark,
and he sent a wind over the earth,
and the waters receded.
Genesis 8:1

Daily Thought

In the mid 60's, my friend Morgan went to Yale University. So did George W. Bush. Though not close friends, they knew and liked each other.

A few years ago, Morgan was at an event in Washington DC. So was now-President George W. Bush. In the receiving line, Morgan shook the president's hand. "Hello Mr. President."

"Hello Morgan. How are you?"

Morgan beamed, "Pretty cool! After 40 years, the President of the United States of America remembers me."

"Who you know" matters. A bunch of religious leaders were bragging to Jesus about all the religious things they did, but Jesus said, "I don't know you guys."

God remembered Noah and painted a rainbow across the sky.

It really really matters to know, and be known by Jesus Christ.

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Our heavenly Father, you are great and mighty in power. Your understanding has no limit. You not only created the heavens and earth, but you know your creation and you care for your creation. You count the stars and call them each by name.

We lift up the name of Jesus as the name above all names. By the name of Jesus, we have confidence in approaching your throne and assurance of eternity in your presence. Father, thank you for making yourself known to us.


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