Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Turtle On A Fence Post - January 27, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
"So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.
He made me father to Pharaoh,
lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt."
Genesis 45:8

Daily Thought

How do you explain it when the 11th son of a Hebrew shepherd becomes the "father to Pharaoh, lord of his household, ruler of Egypt"?

Joseph will tell you, "The same way I became a slave, a servant, and a prisoner. God put me there, every time."

How does the son of a southern dairy farmer become the counselor to 12 United States Presidents and proclaim Jesus Christ to over 2 billion people?

Billy Graham will tell you, "If you are walking down a road and you happen to see a turtle sitting on top of a tall fence post, you know the turtle did not climb up there on his own."

They built the Billy Graham Museum a few years ago. Asked what he thought of it, Billy Graham grumbled, "Too much Billy Graham."

Our significance is not about people applauding the things we do, but people praising the God we serve.

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father, Sovereign Creator, this world displays your glory. What a wonderful place. What a place of wonder. That You painted the skies and placed the stars simply for Your Own pleasure. You are God, the only God.

Lord, teach us to rightly number our days, that we may gain wisdom and walk godly. Help us do today the things that matter,
not to waste the time we have. May we display Your glory and goodness to all we meet.


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