Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Right and Wrong - January 12, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
It is unthinkable that God would do wrong,
that the Almighty would pervert justice.
Job 34:12

Daily Thought

A student group at UC Davis held up a sign that read:

It isn't wrong to think you're right
But it isn't right to think others are wrong

I beg to differ.

You see, I was a referee for almost 20 years. Basketball, football, baseball, softball, soccer.

I throw my flag. Pass interference. Half the distance to the goal and first down. Now, it's just a game, but try to sell that to the team in blue. My call gave the team in green first and goal at the seven yard line. My call was a travesty against all that is just and good and right in the universe.

The blue coach asks "politely" what in the Sam-Hill I saw out there. I explain, "I think I got it right. But, hey, I'm not saying your guy was wrong, either."

Sports does not permit this. You can't get away with saying something ridiculous like, "I think I'm right, but I don't think you're wrong." When Team A wins, Team B loses.

Life has rules, too. Right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral exist. Every seven-year old can tell you when something is not fair.

If you want a world where no one is wrong, but you can't change the rulebook, get rid of the referee.

It is not that we believe God would do wrong. We don't, and He won't. That's the problem. The Almighty will not pervert justice, and we are rulebreakers. We want everyone to be able to do their own thing, because we want to do our own thing. But it doesn't work, it hasn't worked, and it won't work.

That is why the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Sovereign God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Your ways are good, right, and just. Loving Father and Righteous Judge. May we acknowledge You as Lord.

May we love You with all our heart, mind, and strength, and in doing that, learn love, so that we will love our neighbor as ourselves. In a world seeking love, may we seek You first, and find love, because You are love.


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