Saturday, March 27, 2010

Start Bad - March 27, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
So Joshua said to the Israelites:
"How long will you wait
before you begin to take possession
of the land that the LORD,
the God of your fathers, has given you?"
Joshua 18:3

Daily Thought

I learned to do things wrong by being in the wrong place, and it's the best thing I ever learned.

The wrong place was me and 300 women.

For a 27 year old single guy this might seem like the right place, except this was a Pastor's Conference and I was in a seminar on "How to Do Women's Ministry." I was a youth pastor, but someday I might be a senior pastor, and maybe a women's ministry would be a good thing, so I thought why not learn how.

Apparently, I was the only guy who had that thought. I stayed anyway.

"Start bad." That's what the seminar lady said. It's the only thing I remember. It's the best advice I ever got.

When I wait until I'm sure nothing will go wrong, nothing gets done because nothing gets started.

So Joshua said to the Israelites: "How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you?"
--Joshua 18:3

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Father God, As I watch the world around me, my faith is strengthened daily. There are signs of You everywhere. The joys of spring as the world blossoms and new life emerges everywhere reminds me that You are the Author of all life.

God, I pray that my life, as well, is a continual reminder of You. That I reflect You in my actions, my thoughts, my faith. That I trust my life to You and walk forward in courage and faith, knowing that You go before me.


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