Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Hate Broken Windows - May 6, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
I will set before my eyes
no vile thing.
The deeds of faithless men I hate;
they will not cling to me.
Psalm 101:3

Daily Thought

Windows break. It happens.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
--1John 1:8

"But," asked Rudy Giuliani, "why must they stay broken?"

A building has a few broken windows. Leave them, and vandals break a few more. Squatters take over the building and criminals take over the neighborhood.

In 1993, Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York City, declared "Zero Tolerance" on broken windows.

A broken window will not be tolerated. Fix it. Now.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
--1John 1:9

Rudy Giuliani hates broken windows, and it cleaned up New York City.

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Our God of Love, who hates sin because it destroys, may I share your passion. I must hate, truly despise sin. I must also desire and cling to goodness and righteousness. This is not natural for me, but God, You have changed me. Your Spirit is inside me. May I submit to Your ways and walk with Your Spirit.

Do not allow me to tolerate sin in my life, God. Thank You that I can come anytime to Your throne and confess, and find Your forgiveness.


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