Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Name Is Sam Price - May 26, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13

Daily Thought

My name is Sam Price.

When I was 10-months old, I laid on my back and using a spoon, unscrewed the bolts holding the dishwasher together.

At 18 months, all the electricity is off in the house. Two keys are dangling from a wall socket.

When I was two, I wrapped toilet paper around everything in the house. Upstairs and downstairs.

Two and a half, my family was in the living room watching Touched By An Angel. I was in the kitchen pouring Hershey Chocolate Syrup on the floor. Mom always bought the big bottles from Costco.

At three years old, I grabbed a big tube of white cream from mom's vanity, stood in the middle of their bedroom, spun around and squeezed. That stuff goes everywhere!

Later that year, I "borrowed" my sisters paint set and painted a big beautiful rainbow. On the dog.

I praise you, God, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
--Psalm 139:14

To God's Glory,
Dave and Debbie Price

Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father, What a fantastic life! You have created the most wonderful world. You made us in Your image, gave us our intellect and emotions and will. You made us creatures who laugh and sing and work and run and play. You gave us the ability to be delighted, and then put a delightful world around us.

But most of all, you put us together. It wasn't good being alone, so you made us male and female. And then little males and females come along, and they grow up slowly and then too fast. What a wonderful life. What a wonderful God.


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