Sunday, June 20, 2010

I Sharpened My Axe - June 20, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
If the ax is dull
and its edge unsharpened,
more strength is needed
but skill will bring success
Ecclesiastes 10:10
Daily Thought

Bill and Ted were chopping down trees. Bill worked steadily, hour after hour. Ted stopped on the hour, every hour, and rested ten minutes.

At the end of the day, Bill surveyed his work. Fine job. But Ted had cleared almost twice as many trees.

"How?" Bill asked Ted. "You stopped every hour. I didn't."

Ted replied, "When I stopped and rested, I sharpened my axe."

To God's Glory,
Dave Price

Daily Prayer

Wise and Wonderful God, Your ways are good, Your work is mighty, Your love is never ending, Your grace is sufficient, Your salvation is glorious.

Teach me God, to number my days and to redeem my time. To be wise and to do good. To love others and to share Your good news. To seek always Your Kingdom and Your righteousness. To study Your Word and Your ways, so that righteousness becomes a habit.


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