Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just Before The Big Bang - June 15, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars.
He set them in place for ever and ever;
he gave a decree that will never pass away.
Psalm 148:3, 6

Daily Thought

A string lowers the shell into a tube, where a lift charge explodes propelling the shell high into the air. At it's highest point, the burning time fuse reaches the shell, ignites the black powder which explodes the shell casing, ignites the stars and scatters them in all directions across the sky.

I love fireworks.

The colors. The designer uses various metals to make his stars. The metals, when burned, emit photons. Different metals, different wavelengths, different colors. Lithium burns red, calcium orange, sodium yellow, copper blue, barium green, potassium violet, titanium white. You get the picture.

Shapes, too. The designer puts everything in just the right place, creating flowers and willows and rings and horsetails and stars and spiders and smiley faces.

The designer puts everything together just right so he gets the exact explosion he is looking for. The fireworks are awesome and everyone cheers.

"We are fairly confident that we know how the universe came to be, right back to one-billion-trillion-trillionth of a second after the Big Bang."
--almost all 21st century scientists

But what about just before the one-whatever-trillionth of a second after the Big Bang?

He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
--Psalm 147:4

To God's Glory
Dave Price

Daily Prayer

Our Creator, when we star-gaze, we are looking at Your handiwork. When we are amazed by the universe, we are awed by You. You explode the universe into existence by Your Word, by Your breath. All things were designed and created by You and for You. May all creation glorify its Creator.

We worship and praise You.


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