Monday, June 7, 2010

No Children Allowed - June 7, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean,
but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.
Proverbs 14:4 (ESV)

Daily Thought

We had LOTS of kids on New Dawn Drive, the street I grew up on. My brother Drew, Andy and Ronnie, Ricky, Karen, and Alison, Laurie and Craig, Russ and Colleen, Gina, Debbie and Richie, Michael, and Little David. I was Big Dave.

There were old people, too. Chuck and Thelma were a couple of the old people living on my street. They were nice, but none of us kids ever got in their house. And we got into everybody's house. We thought their house was like a museum.

I mowed their lawns, so I was the only kid who ever got inside. They had really nice stuff, beautiful chairs and sofas and tables, and all of it was covered. Their carpet was covered, too. Even their Oldsmobile had seat covers. Remember those plastic seat covers with all the bubbles?

I don't think anybody's feet or rear ends ever touched the actual material of anything.

They died a number of years ago. I was sad, because I liked them. I hear their stuff was still really nice. Almost like new.

To God's Glory,
Dave Price

Daily Prayer

Father God, our Creator. You made this world and You called it good. And it was good. It will be again. But at the moment it's messy, and that's our fault. We decided to do things our way. God, if You hadn't created us, You're world would be a lot more peaceful, maybe. Forgive us for the mess we make.

What amazes me is that You still find joy in us. And pleasure. And you love us. So much that You have done what it takes to bring us back into Your family. God, it amazes me that You create so much delight out of so much trouble. You are a wonderful Father.


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