Monday, April 5, 2010

Heart, Mind, and Strength - April 5, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
Some time later,
he fell in love with a woman in the Valley of Sorek
whose name was Delilah.
Judges 16:4

Daily Thought

Samson had God's strength
Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power.
--Judges 14:19

...but he loved Delilah
Then she said to him, "How can you say,
'I love you,' when you won't confide in me?
You haven't told me the secret of your great strength."
--Judges 16:15

David had God's heart
The LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people
--1Samuel 13:14

...but he loved Bathsheba
From the roof he saw a woman bathing.
The woman was very beautiful,
and David sent someone to find out about her.
--2Samuel 11:2-3

Solomon had God's wisdom
Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you.
--1Kings 3:12

...but he loved one thousand women
He had seven hundred wives of royal birth
and three hundred concubines,
and his wives led him astray.
--1Kings 11:3

One of the teachers of the Law asked Jesus, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your mind
and with all your strength.
--Mark 12:30

To God's Glory,

Daily Prayer

Almighty God of Wisdom, God of Love, I pray that I have Your heart. God, you have made me for a purpose. I am Your workmanship. May I keep my eyes on Jesus. May I fully love You. May I not find attractive things that would steal my devotion to You.

With all my heart, with all my mind, with all my strength, I love You.


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