Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Name - April 17, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
May my lord pay no attention
to that wicked man Nabal.
He is just like his name-his name is Fool,
and folly goes with him.
Judges 25:25

Daily Thought

When your name enters the mind of a friend, what is their next thought?

A Jewish couple gave birth to a son. They wished to name the child after the father's father, Joseph, a good and noble man. Unfortunately, the mother's father, a mean-spirited fool, was Joseph, as well.

They inquired of the Rabbi, "What should we do? What if people think he was named after the wrong father?"

"Name him Joseph," advised the Rabbi. "As he grows, what he does will declare which father he was named after."

"What does your name mean?" is a question of curiousity.
"What meaning have you given your name?" is question of character.

To God's Glory,


Daily Prayer

Yahweh, "I Am That I Am," the First and the Last, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End, God Almighty, King of kings and Lord of lords. Your Name declares Your glory. May we declare Your Name. God is good. God is love.

God, I am known as a Christian. A follower of Jesus. I wear Your Name. Because of this, my actions give Your Name meaning in a world that does not know You. I pray, God, that my actions are true to Your Name.


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