Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Holy Jeans - July 20, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice,
and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.
Hosea 6:6

Daily Thought

One Sunday, Bill showed up at the church across the street from his college campus.

Bill never went to church.

Ripped jeans, an over-sized T-shirt, and barefoot, Bill meandered up the aisle looking for a seat, but they were filled with Sunday-dressed people. So he shrugged, sat down on the carpet, crossed his legs, and waited to experience his first church.

People pointed and murmured as Hank, an old-time deacon, left his post in the rear and shuffled toward the student. Anticipating an awkward confrontation, the room nervously quieted. Hank arrived up front, peered down at the young guest...

...and grinned.

With some difficulty, the elderly gentleman curled his legs under and sat on the floor beside Bill. Looking up at the preacher, he nodded. "Let's worship."

To God's Glory,
Dave Price

Daily Prayer

Our Great God, You humbled Yourself in love for my sake. You are my Creator, but how often I pay more attention to your creation than I do to You. All the while, You pay attention to me. You sought me and saved me with an amazing grace and mercy.

May I learn Your grace, may I practice Your mercy, may I display Your love to others.


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