Thursday, October 14, 2010

He Designed The Course - October 14, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
The disciples went and woke him, saying,
"Master, Master, we're going to drown!"
He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters;
the storm subsided, and all was calm.
Luke 8:24

Daily Thought

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
~Genesis 1:1

My foursome included Kyle. Kyle is the man who designed the golf course.

On the first hole, Kyle said, "Play a fade, 240 yards, over the trees on the right." I did what he said. I parred the hole.

Second hole, same result. Hole 3, 4, 5... 18. Best round of my life. All I had to do was listen to Kyle.

When you designed the course, you know how to play it.

"Where is your faith?" Jesus asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."
~Luke 8:25

To God's Glory,
Dave Price

Daily Prayer

Creator God, this world is marvelous, full of wonders. It displays Your wisdom and majesty. How great You are. You have power and authority over all things. And You are good. That's why You can promise that all things work together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.

God, may I keep my ears tuned to You, listening to Your words and following them. May I live a life full of joy and wonder. May I reflect Your wisdom and goodness in all that I do. May I walk in faith and see the greatness of my God.


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