Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Are You Waiting For? - October 12, 2010

Daily Reading

Daily Verse
When John heard in prison what Christ was doing,
he sent his disciples to ask him,
"Are you the one who was to come,
or should we expect someone else?"
Matthew 11:2-3

Daily Thought

The flood waters were rising and the man on the roof cried out to God to save him.

A teenager in a raft floated near. "Need help?" "No, thank you. God will rescue me."

A lady in a boat came close, "Better hop in!" "Thanks, but no. I'm waiting for God."

Finally, a man in a helicopter lowered a ladder, "Climb up! It's your last chance." "No, I'm okay. I trust God to save me.

He drowned.

"God, why didn't You save me?"

"I sent you a raft, a boat, and a helicopter. What more do you want!?!"

To God's Glory,
Dave Price

Daily Prayer

God, thank You for rescuing me. Without You, my life was heading in the wrong direction. No direction, actually. Even the good things I did had little value. They made me feel better for a moment, but they were only bandages on a deeper wound. Your salvation gave birth to true love inside me. It is a love that sacrifices, that does not seek my own, but rather serves others in Your Name.

I did not recognize You at first. Who expects the God of the universe to come humbly and sacrifice Himself for my sake? What an amazing love. What an amazing Savior.


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